This is where my sonic stuff goes. And where i will TALK about sonic.

      Most recently i have been playing SONIC SUPERSTARS on the Switch. 
      It's an okay game, but it has its fair share of flaws; however, the game is still a lot of fun to play, 
      and SOME of the music is very good! 
      Like a lot of Sonic games, one zone could be a lot of fun, and the next one could be downright infuriating. 
      The new special zones are okay, but oh my GOD the checkpoint special zones suck ass.
      I still have to finish the game, but I've heard not great things about the game towards the end,
      so I'm not exactly looking forward to that lol.

      My favorite Sonic game of all time has to be Sonic Adventure 2, which isn't exactly an original opinion,
      but it still fills me with so much nostalgia and joy when I play it. 
      I play it on a pretty frequent basis to this day!

      Talk about Sonic Frontiers here